About Andries Louw

Andries & Cecile Louw

My name is Andries Louw. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I am Cecile’s husband and the proud father of three cute young girls, Anelia, Marisje and Andiswa. I am an African and a South African. I am an Afrikaner deeply rooted in Africa. Many more aspects combine to shape my identity e.g. that I love cycling, am crazy about test cricket, rave about learning languages and enjoy anything from opera to rock music but these are some of the major ones.

One of my biggest struggles has been to come to terms with the fact that it was my people who created apartheid, my government that enforced it and my church that sanctioned it. Quite a few African brothers and sisters have helped me find my own freedom from this burden.

I am on a journey to discover what church could be and should be. The emerging church conversation has given me new hope and a breathing space to explore some of the most difficult questions and challenges facing the body of Christ. It is opening up windows for me to see what the next church should be like.

Some of the main features I envision for the next church are worship (living a life of worship, living as if you really believe that God is present in everything you do),  diversity (cultural, gender, generational etc), learning to interpret the Bible and society, listening to God, realising the kingdom of God, simplicity, community, hope for marginalised people, social justice, environmental responsibility etc. I believe that families are key as basic building blocks in this endeavour to create alternative communities. I love the concept of the church being the household (family) of God (Ef.2:19). The church should be a place of safety, healing and growth for people who are usually not associated with God and people who simply don’t have a family.

I am very much drawn to people who are suffering for whatever reason, be it poverty, oppression, depression, rejection, loneliness, violence, bad choices or broken relationships. So much suffering starts in the family. Therefore we need examples of healthy marriages and good parenting. Those of us who have that need to learn how to share it with people without a home.

Two of my favourite psalms are Psalm 82 and Psalm 147.

Psalm 82:3, 4

3 Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless;
maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.

4 Rescue the weak and needy;
deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

Psalm 147:3

3 He heals the brokenhearted
and binds up their wounds.

Quoted from the New International Version on Biblegateway.com

Thanks for visiting. I would love to hear your comments / views on what the next church should be like.


  1. Andries, that sounds very exciting and something I want to be a part of. The next church sounds like THE place to get involved in. I think the next church needs to:
    be a place where anyone is welcome,
    where there are no committees, synods, and 100-steps-before-a-decision-is-endorsed,
    where the Holy Spirit leads,
    no unneccesary clutter,
    where children are welcome.

    Thanks for your vision!

  2. Hi futureMUM, I like your thinking! Thank you for being the love of my life and the mother of my kids. Please do visit again…

  3. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. I am quite involved in my church. I go to a small group, tried to lead a number of Bible studdies that never took off. I don’t know how to help you understand my heart, but there is a deeper level of fellowhip that I am longing for, where people are truely living surrendered, walking strong, and proclaiming it. I know we are broken, and life is messy, but I do beleive that in the mess, we are suppose to band together and lift eachother up. I guess I have not left enough hands underneath me when I am down. Like I said in my post, I have tasted this, I have seen it from afar, and it’s very much wired into who we are as relational creations of God. Thank You for your prayers too.

  4. Hi Andries I love what u are doing here and pray that this grows and grows.

    God bless

    U Turn Ministries

  5. Thanks for the kind words Hannes! Please do visit again.

  6. […] Nel, a lecturer in Missiology at Unisa; Roger Saner, a former apprentice at Nieu Communities; and Andries and Cecilia Louw, (Andries is a former NG Kerk dominee). They are all bloggers, and the invitation had reached them […]

  7. Interessant. Julle gaan deur waar ek en my man 10jaar gelede was, die soeke na Christus. Die ortodokse kerk het toe nie geglo aan sendelingwerk nie, ons moes gaan soek en ons het gevind. Baie gelees oor verstand en geloof, wanneer ons doodgaan verteer wurms en mikro-organismes hierdie geweldige brein van ons tot stof – dit se veel oor ons verstand ne? Religion is not against our human intellect, it is above it. Sterkte met julle soektog.

  8. Hi Andries?

    HOu van jou site, loer dalk as jy tyd het na myne?

    Is jy andries van Murray en Christenne?

  9. I have responded to your invitation to write something on your blog (see the thread about my suspension last year from the CSIR). That got me to looking at what you stand for, and all I can say is that the very issues you grapple with have been a deep burden to me for almost my entire life. As I read about you I got to see more about myself.

    Today I stand attacked by some in public for science that I did to the very best of my ability. The reason for that attack, is not the science, but the fact that I spoke out – the fact that I took a moral position on the type of science we should be doing as a young democracy – what I called science in the service of society. I also served as a soldier in the so-called Apartheid Security Forces and therefore my detractors have a convenient stick to beat me with. I must be evil by association. By implication this means that my science is rubbish.

    At the heart of this is what I am as a human being. I have grappled with this for my entire life, and now find a release for that through writing and poetry. The attacks on my integrity have meant that I need to defend myself, and part of that defence is my new website anthonyturton.com that will show those who are interested, the many different facets of me as a human being. It will show details of my complex family history, which is probably shaed with many readers of this blog.

    The bottom line is that I am a 12th generation African, the product of a complex history with roots in the Trekoers, the Huguenots, the slaves and the British settlers. But I am an African and will always be deeply proud of that. My oldest traceable relative was murdered in front of the Cape Town Castle. Another one of my oldest relatives, a French Huguenot called Charles Marais, was also murdered and his death became the first known autopsy in which a given action – the throwing of a stone – was linked to a specific death. My family has co-evolved with violence for 350 years, and in my memoirs I write that “my personality was forged on the anvil of Africa by the hammer of endemic violence”.

    It was the burden of my generation to serve as soldiers. We never asked for that role. We never relished violence. We never created the cause for going to war. We simply responded to the call of our country and we did the very best we could under the most horrific of circumstances. I accept full responsibility for everything I have ever done, either as a soldier, a scientist, or a simple citizen of this country. Sadly, that period of my life has caused me to be deeply skeptical about the church. We were blessed before going into combat and we were told that God is on our side …. now go and kill my son! I have still not managed to come to terms with this and therefore avoid church.

    But your notion of a Next Church appeals to me.

    Maybe this is what elements of the Next Church should be about – personal accountability and responsibility for actions taken under trying circumstances. Basing actions on morality. But above all about understanding and forgiveness. I have found, in my personal journey through life, that I was liberated the instant that I forgave others – the day that I empathized with those who had been hurt (even my so-called “enemy”). So today I am liberated, and even if I am being attacked by unenlightened people, for doing what I merely considerd to be my job, which I tried to do to the best of my ability, I still have the inner strength to endure. To move forward, as a proud African with a cultural heritage that is significant even if it is not fully documented and understood. But more importantly I sleep with a clear conscience.

    I encourage you in what you are trying to do. I never get involved in Blogs, but your invitation stirred something in me and I responded. My response is thus a first for me ever….

    Keep it up!

  10. Marian, ek dink ons soektog is meer ‘n soektog na hoe om die kerk te wees. Maar jy is ook reg dat dit ‘n soektog na Christus is in die sin dat ons nooit moet ophou om Hom te soek in alles wat ons doen nie.

    Jy se: “Die ortodokse kerk het toe nie geglo aan sendelingwerk nie, ons moes gaan soek en ons het gevind. Baie gelees oor verstand en geloof”.
    Wat het julle gevind?
    Het jy my post gelees oor verstand en geloof? https://nextchurch.wordpress.com/2009/01/03/hardwired-for-god/

  11. Charl, eks bly jou hou hiervan. Ek het na jou koffieplek gaan kyk en dit lyk baie interessant! Ja, my ouers is Murray & Christine

  12. Anthony, thank you so much for leaving 2 detailed responses on my blog. I am honoured by that. I see your website is still under construction and I am looking forward to reading it once it is up and running. Please keep me posted.

    You have been attacked but I for one believe that you still have an incredibly important role to play in this country. I was delighted to see that you have contributed to a recent panel discussion about the future of South Africa’s water. http://www.sowetan.co.za/News/Article.aspx?id=943821
    Please don’t stop! We need people like you!

  13. If you are a follower of Jesus then please do not go ahead with this unethical adoption.

  14. 3 Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless;
    maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.

    You now have the opportunity to help a father who loves his daughter. Help someone who is poor and oppressed.

  15. Die boeke waarna ek verwys het is:
    Alan Hirsch
    “The Forgotten Ways” en
    “The Forgotten Ways – Handbook”
    Sy blogsite is by:

  16. The next church evolves by being involved in the church of today to become the church of tomorrow.

  17. Ek blog nie, ek post nie, ek ‘tweet’ nie en het nie ‘n black berry nie.

    Maar ek weet van dit alles en min of meer hoe dit alles werk want ek is:

    – With it
    – Into die lewe
    – Andries Louw se niggie
    – Lief vir die lewe en vir Andries

    En DIT is die enigste rede hoekom ek my comment hier ‘post’ – vir my, nes Anthony Turton, ‘n absolute eerste en waarskynlik laaste.

    Luv u cous’!

    En SO trots op jou!

  18. Hallo Andries

    Weet nie of jy my nog sal onthou nie. Ek dink partykeer die “emerging” kerk is die pad wat God met Sy kerk in die vrye wêreld van vandag loop om ons voor te berei vir die tyd wanneer ons nie meer die luuksheid van groot kerkgeboue en verdeelde denominasies sal kan bekostig nie… ek weet dat van die voorbokke in die beweging reken dis nie dieselfde as die huiskerk -beweging nie, maar ek dink dis tog ‘n beweging in die rigting van die huiskerk-beweging soos ons dit in o.a. China vind.

  19. Chavoux, ek neem aan jou regte naam is iets anders so ek weet ongelukkig nog nie wie jy is nie. Wat’s jou regte naam? Daar is ooreenkomste tussen die emerging church en die huiskerk beweging maar tog ook heelwat belangrike verskille. Die huiskerk beweging is oor die algemeen teologies baie meer konserwatief in hulle siening van die Bybel en tradisionele evangeliese leerstellinge. Mense wat hulleself as emerging beskou is geneig om teologies meer liberaal te wees, bv. groter verdraagsaamheid teenoor homoseksualisme en mense van ander gelowe. In die emerging kringe is daar ‘n groter klem op dinge soos sosiale geregtigheid en omgewingskwessies. Ek is nie altyd seker of regtig emerging is nie, alhoewel ek met baie aspekte van die teologie in emerging kringe identifiseer. Eintlik probeer ek ‘n teologie en ‘n manier van kerkwees beoefen wat relevant is vir Afrika, maar wat ook iets te sê het vir die res van die wêreld.

  20. Hallo Andries

    Dit is inderdaad my regte naam. Ek was op Tukkies toe jy daar geswot het, maar ‘n paar jaar jonger as jy (en saam met jou pa op ‘n SAAWE kamp in daardie tyd). Was baie betrokke by Straatwerk en met die Piet Retief sendingspan (saam met Antonie Lamont & Ingrid Steyn (nou Pretorius)). Dankie vir die verduideliking oor die verskille tusen die 2 bewegings… ek het in elk geval David Watson se videos gekyk en van sy artikels gelees en dit was vir my bevestiging van dinge wat ek al lankal in my hart gevoel het. Dankie!

  21. Andries lekker om te sien wat julle doen. Dis groots. Alle heil en … tonne seën. Wimpi Burger

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